Friday, August 12, 2011

"Hole in Ones"

 These are also known as an "Egg in a Basket" or "Bird in a Nest." My husband grew up eating these and they are a favorite last-minute meal at our house, since I usually have eggs and bread in my fridge...


Cut out a small circle of each piece of bread using a biscuit cutter, a small glass or a knife.* Heat a skillet or griddle and spray with cooking spray. It is really yummy if you butter both sides of the bread, but I find that it's fine without. Place the cut bread on the hot pan, then crack an egg in the hole of each slice. Flip over when the egg begins to set and cook the other side.

*I fry the bread circles I cut out as well and my kids love them.


anderson's said...

Alli, We grew up on these as well. My family called them toast eggs! Yummy! I better make these soon!

Alli grins said...

"Toast eggs"... I like that! Thanks for the comment:) I know a lot of people look at the site, but almost no one comments. I haven't seen you in way too long. Maybe after school starts, we can go play!

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